
How to overcome Laziness: 8 Action Items

Do you often feel that you are unable to finish your tasks on time because you are a lazy person? Are you frequently encountered by that unwanted feeling of laziness every time you are about to begin working on a challenging task? Do you feel that you fail to get enough work done at the… Continue reading How to overcome Laziness: 8 Action Items

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7 things that Consumes your Mind, Controls your Life

Have you ever felt that you have no or very little control over the way you lead your life? If not, just think about your daily routine from the time you wake up till the time you go to sleep. How much time do you spend on doing activities that you love to do and… Continue reading 7 things that Consumes your Mind, Controls your Life

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5 Productive Things to do in Free Time

You have just started your day at the work and you get to know that the task on which you were supposed to work today is not ready due to the delay from the other team’s end. As a result you will work on it from tomorrow, leaving you free for the current day. Or… Continue reading 5 Productive Things to do in Free Time

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